Human Rights Management

Human Rights Management

Human rights are fundamental rights that belong to all people, including stakeholders throughout the value chain of the company. Hence, the company operates with a strong commitment to human rights and promotes them as part of the corporate culture. The company has a governance system in place to prevent human rights abuses at all stages of its operations. The company's policy is aligned with and complies with international guidelines, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs), the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and the labor laws of the Kingdom of Thailand. Specifically, the company's human rights policy covers the following areas:

Human rights policy

  1. Treat all parties equally, without discrimination on the basis of gender, race, or religion.
  2. Do not violate the rights and freedoms of stakeholders.
  3. Be careful in conducting business to prevent the risk of human rights abuses.
  4. Do not use or support partners who use all types of illegal labor.
  5. Communicate and disseminate the policy to all stakeholders.
  6. Monitor the respect for human rights in all stages of operations.
  1. Build a corporate culture that is committed to respecting human rights.
  2. Establish a process to identify and assess human rights risks and their potential impacts.
  3. Implement disciplinary measures, up to and including termination of employment, for human rights violations.
  4. Provide appropriate remedies for those affected by human rights violations.
  5. Prohibit sexual harassment, both physical, verbal, and psychological.

The company diligently adheres to the framework of human rights operations based on the principles of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) to demonstrate its commitment to social and stakeholder responsibility regarding human rights as a business entity. Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD) has been conducted, covering a comprehensive assessment of every issue throughout the supply chain. The company asserts its stance by declaring a clear organizational human rights policy to both internal personnel and the public, along with continuous education provided to employees. Procedures are in place for prevention, mitigation, and remediation in case of human rights violations, including complaint mechanisms. Measures for respecting and protecting human rights are integrated at every stage of business operations, with continuous monitoring and reporting of outcomes. Additionally, the company consistently discloses its human rights performance according to internationally recognized reporting standards annually.

Process of Conducting Comprehensive HRDD

In the process of conducting comprehensive HRDD, the objectives are to identify and assess human rights risks that may occur within the organization, including prioritizing and managing risks comprehensively. Additionally, procedures for remediation in case of human rights violations within the organization are established. Summarized in a table as follows:

Risk identification Impact Risk assessment Risk management Indicator
Level of impact Level of likelihood

Employment conditions

- Forcing employees to work overtime 3 3 Providing a channel for receiving complaints. There were 0 incidents of human rights violation.
Personal data violation - Leaking personal data of partners and employees
- Using customer data without permission
4 3 Establish appropriate measures to protect the security and privacy of personal data in accordance with the protection of the privacy of personal data
Illegal labor use in the supply chain - Employing child labor and illegal migrant labor 3 3 Publish the code of conduct for partners and establish a process for assessing the risks of human rights violations by partners.
Discrimination against employees - Unfair and unjust treatment within the organization 4 4 Establish disciplinary measures for offenders and provide training to raise awareness among employees, as well as create a positive culture of equality in the organization for employees to respect each other.

The company consistently audits and fosters employee awareness regarding human rights in alignment with operational plans and policies to mitigate potential risks. Additionally, it regularly communicates the outcomes of its human rights efforts through annual sustainability reports and periodic updates.

Mitigation and Remediation Measure

In 2023, the company did not encounter any human rights violations or complaints. However, we have recognized the importance of implementing preventive and remedial measures, including avenues for receiving and addressing complaints and grievances from affected parties in an appropriate manner. These measures include both financial compensation, such as restitution payments, and non-financial remedies, such as providing opportunities for feedback and offering counseling to victims through various channels. In the event of human rights violations, the company will conduct fair investigations and impose penalties in accordance with our regulations and policies going forward.